Preventing and Controlling Wildlife (Bear) Damage in your Apiary


As a result of the dramatic increase in the populationof bears in New York state.  It is imperative that beekeepers know the law regarding nuisance bears and their apiarys.   Should a beekeeper experience any bear damage, they should immediately contact the nearest New York state Department of Environment Conservation (DEC) office and report the occurence.  Reporting is important so that the DEC is aware of the problem.  This awareness is critical so that beekeepers can protect their property and investment.  Below is the except from the DEC law.

Other folks engaged in agriculture are issued permits to control wildlife that do damage to various crops.  The beekeepers are permited to kill bears without a permit,providing that they contact the DEC.  Please comply with the law, so beekeepers can continue to kill nuisance bears.

For the entire law regarding nuisance wildlife go to

Preventing and Controlling Wildlife Damage

Excerpts from NYS Environmental Conservation Law Regarding Nuisance Wildlife

    § 11-0523. Destructive or menacing wildlife; taking without permit.

            2. Any bear killing or worrying livestock on land occupied or cultivated, or destroying an apiary thereon, may be taken or killed, at any time, by shooting or device to entrap or entice on such land, by the owner, lessee or occupant thereof, or any member of the owner's, lessee's or occupant's immediate family or by any person employed by such owner, lessee or occupant. The owner or occupant of such lands shall promptly notify the nearest environmental conservation officer and deliver to such officer the carcass of any bear killed pursuant to this subdivision. The environmental conservation officer shall dispose of the carcass as the department may direct.

You may also download   Preventing Black Bear Damage - A Beekeepers Guide